Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lil' Artist

So, I covered the pool table in our basement the other day with a sheet and plastic and layed out sheets of paper, gave Andiee finger paints and let her go at it!

At first she didn't know if she liked it on her hands since she can't handle having even the tiniest spec of anything on her hands...but it didn't take her long...

The artist at work...deciding precisely where the paint should go on the paper

Starting to get a little messy

I love this look....whats this stuff on my hands??

Getting more paint herself since clearly there is not enough! (=

Little shoe diva...she found my heels and insisted on wearing them around...suprisingly she was able to walk in them for a little ways. Such an accessories girl...hats, shoes, sunglasses, purses...anything she can put on and wear, she will wear it all day if I let her!

Somehow...her puma socks and bright green pants don't quite go with the shoes...but hey...she's the boss, not me!


Miranda said...

You are one brave mamma!! Looks like a lot of fun!! LOVE HER SHOES!! Aubriee is the same way! Isn't it amazing how good they are in walking in heels i wish i was that good!

Ash Malone said...

Em, how fun!!! I would love to join in the painting fest...that looks great!! You are a very brave mom..but then again....soap washes up everything! =) Your bub is getting tooo darn cute, can't wait to meet her someday!!! Have fun with Al! =) Miss ya