Tuesday, March 10, 2009

San Diego Trip

Kyle's work (Granite) won a big construction award for the I-15 job that we came to Utah for. So, Granite flew us out (wives included) to San Diego for the weekend to attend the banquet where they were presented the award. It was a fast weekend, but we had a lot of fun...and enjoyed a bit of warm weather before heading back to snowstorms in Utah.

Kyle and Andiee walking down town San Diego.

Beautiful palm trees

View of of our window in our hotel (Marriott).

Another view out of our window.

I didn't get the best picture of this, but this is a stretch woody with a surfboard on top...pretty sweet (except for that it was actually a stretch excursion - wantabe woody)
Andiee eating a lemon, which she loves, but this time was actually eating peel and all...we have a very strange kid! (=

Smelling flowers

Kyle and I at his banquet all dressed up! (= We left Andiee overnight with my friend Anna-Lisa who lives there....our first night with out her!...Thanks so much Al!! We actually did pretty good and it was nice to have a relaxing evening, which I can't remember the last time we have had without her!

We had a suprise concert at Kyle's banquet...our own personal concert with Phil Vassar!! It was very cool, our table was right next to the stage...no security and he shook hands with everyone and is a very cool guy!

Kyle and Andiee at Mission Beach

Our little surfer girl

Andiee's first experience with sand...not liking her hands dirty!

Pointing to the water and running straight for the surf...this kid has no fear when it comes to water!!

Daddy and Andiee running on the beach

Loving the ocean...we can't wait to come back!

Us at the marina in front of our hotel

We got Andiee a backpack leash to control her...she is crazy and will run anywhere!! Yes, I did feel a bit like I had a dog on a leash (she would even wrap around our legs), but it was worth it!

Andiee found a pair of VERY cute Reef flipflops in a little shop, and Daddy was a sucker and bought them for her...she loves them SO much that she wanted to wear them to bed! We had to hide them from her when we came home to utah since it is a bit colder here.

Andiee and Anna-Lisa

Old buddies...we go WAYYYYY back! (=

Andiee loves Kyle's (Anna-Lisa's Kyle) shaved head!

In the truck on the way home...Andiee pulled her blanket over her head and crashed before we even pulled out of the airport parking!

1 comment:

The City Grows said...

What an awesome trip! That concert would have been Awesome! I love the little reef's, they are pretty cute!