Friday, May 29, 2009

New deck

So our deck is FINISHED!! We absolutely love our new deck and are very thankful to Larry for taking the week to help Kyle build it and to bring us the boards!! Here are some more pictures...come enjoy it with us! (=

Larry was out working hard from really early in the morning, all day until dark every day!!...Thanks so much for everything!!

Andiee enjoying her new deck

Picking weeds for me

Andiee running through the sprinkler

Andiee's new table that Papa built her

Kyle put solar lights on the posts and put rope lights underneath the looks really cool at night!

Look from the outside


Anna-Lisa said...

Your deck looks amazing. I'll have to come see it in person someday!

Ash Malone said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new deck! They are amazing aren't they!! =)

Miranda said...

Love it!! I can't wait to get to SLC and spend time with you guys on your new deck! You guys did a wonderful job! Very jealous!! I want one now!! :)