Sunday, April 18, 2010

April - Spring has sprung!

We are finally enjoying 70 - 80 degree weather and LOVING it!! A little bit of April........

Our 2nd Easter egg hunt with my mom's finally warmed up enough to schedule it at the park.

Andiee and her friend Mikayla with their loot!

A day at the bird Aviary in Salt Lake with our friends Charlene, Durkes and baby Charlie

Andiee...checking out the flamingos

Super cute picture of Andiee and her buddy Durkes...could be a postcard picture...

Ooops...taken right after the previous photo...Daddy taught her early, don't let boys get too close - giving him the elbow! (=

Our sweet friends...Charlene and Durkes posing in front of our owl friend

Peeking out of Daddy's beanie

Watering all of mommies flowers...they got plenty of water this day! Maybe I should put her in charge of my house plants...maybe they would not have to withstand the droughts I put them through!(=

Andiee's new Easel...artist in training!(=

Double fistin' it

Stickers, markers, crayons, stamps, scissors, chalk...the whole works

Later found her forhead and arms as an additional canvas....something I haven't had to deal with before!!! ACK!!

1 comment:

Ash Malone said...

She is sooo darn cute. Just makes me laugh these photos! =) Happy to two are loving and enjoying every day of your spring weather! =) Happy Kyle is teaching Andiee early -- no boys -- give them the boot! =) Hope your days are happy!

Hugs & Loves -- Ash