Monday, April 27, 2009

"My Gym" party

This weekend we went to Andiee's friend, Mikayla's birthday party at My Gym and had a blast! Here are a few shots...

Andiee (top left) and a few of her friends

Andiee riding the zipline...and loving it!

Walking away with her loot (party favors)

Apron #2...I made my second apron for Mikayla.

1 comment:

Ash Malone said...

Ok Em, loving the aprons! You are too cute!! =) Feel free to make a 'grown up' one for me!! =) HA!! How come you are so darn cleaver and can make such cute stuff now...jealous!! =) Glad you and Andiee are having fun with life. Love seeing the photo updates!!! Enjoy the day chick! Hugs...